Ducks In A Row?

Image for Ducks In A Row?

Time: 11:30 AM

Date: June 24, 2021

Place: Cox-Gifford Seawinds Funeral Home

Cost: Free

RSVP: RSVP: By phone at 772-562-2365 or through this online form!

Are All Your Ducks In A Row? Join us for a complimentary program here at Cox-Gifford Seawinds that includes refreshments, door prizes and an informative presentation on funeral, cremation and burial planning!

Making arrangements in advance allows you to take control and ensures your wishes are known and will be acted upon when the time comes. It is a thoughtful and loving commitment by you and truly a precious gift to your family and loved ones. It's time to start the conversation!

5 Great Reasons to Get Your Ducks in a Row:

  1. Lets you make your wishes known, so your loved ones won't have to guess. They won't have to worry if they did the right things.

  2. Eliminates emotional overspending from grief or guilt. Pre-planning can bring peace of mind to your family's decision-making.

  3. Gives you a chance to personalize your funeral and make it a celebration of your life. It's a way to get your loved ones involved and make it a positive experience.

  4. Relieves you and your family from future financial responsibility. There are several ways to arrange your funeral.

  5. Gives you total peace of mind. Pre-planning is one of the most thoughtful gifts you can leave your family to help them cope with their loss.

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